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Tarot Certification


  1. What is certification?
  2. Do I have to get certified to be a tarot reader?
  3. Why should I get certified?
  4. How do I get certified?
  5. Where do I go for certification?
  6. Which agency does the ATA recommend?
  7. Do I have to take the ATA’s courses to get certified?
  8. Why can’t I get certified through the ATA?


What is certification?
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines the word “certify” as “to attest as being true or as represented or as meeting a standard”. Thus, certification is proof that you have mastered a set of skills in a field.


Do I have to get certified to be a tarot reader?
No, tarot certification is entirely optional.


Why should I get certified?
Being certified can reassure your clients that you’re a professional reader, and that you have the skills needed for the job. Even if you never plan on reading for anyone but yourself, tarot certification can serve as a way to measure your progress.


How do I get certified?
In general, you will need to pay a fee and pass some sort of proficiency test. You may be asked to provide written proof of your skills, or to perform readings and answer questions over the phone or in person. The exact requirements and fee structures for each certification level vary from agency to agency.


Where do I go for certification?
Formerly there were three tarot certification boards in North America, unfortunately none are currently in operation. If you find a new one then please let us know.


Which agency does the ATA recommend?
We suggested comparing the various agencies’ requirements and deciding for yourself which one (if any) was best for you.


Do I have to take the ATA’s courses to get certified?
While our courses can help you improve your tarot skills, they were not required by any of these agencies.


Why can’t I get certified through the ATA?
Our purpose is tarot education, not certification. Professionals in many other fields (such as doctors and lawyers) are certified by agencies independent of their educational process, and we feel the same should be true for tarot readers.


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